All That Is…and Was (Level)
All That Is…and Was (Level)

dimensions variable

mixed media

San Dimas, CA

2010 - 2011


Through the use of a single rake & shovel an irregular sloping 'vacant' lot was made level. This image was taken at the start of the project.

(image 1 of 2)

All That Is…and Was (Level)
All That Is…and Was (Level)

dimensions variable

mixed media

San Dimas, CA

2010 - 2011


This image was taken near the end of the project.


(image 2 of 2)

All That Is…and Was (Level)
All That Is…and Was (Level)
All That Is…and Was (Level)

dimensions variable

mixed media

San Dimas, CA

2010 - 2011


Through the use of a single rake & shovel an irregular sloping 'vacant' lot was made level. This image was taken at the start of the project.

(image 1 of 2)

All That Is…and Was (Level)

dimensions variable

mixed media

San Dimas, CA

2010 - 2011


This image was taken near the end of the project.


(image 2 of 2)

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