Untitled (Somatic Vault)dimensions variablemixed mediaStrongroom Gallery, Los Angeles, CA (September 12th, 2015)'Arrears' group-show accompanying artists: Andrew Cameron, Alexandra Noel, & Michael Zahn 

Untitled (Somatic Vault)

dimensions variable

mixed media

Strongroom Gallery, Los Angeles, CA (September 12th, 2015)

'Arrears' group-show accompanying artists: Andrew Cameron, Alexandra Noel, & Michael Zahn


Untitled (Somatic Vault), featuring performers: Rannveig Amundsen, Meli Malavasi, Lya Alvarado, & Kathrin Jakob

A vocal quartet was hired to preform at Strongroom Gallery, a converted bank vault inside the historic Women's Building in downtown Los Angeles. This work occurred during the duration of the 'Arrears' opening reception. Each member of the quartet remained stationary in each corner of the vault. As art spectators entered the small vault space the quartet proceeded to serenade the person, or people with a sequence of synchronized vocals set within a chromatic scale. The vocal arrangement lasted only for the duration that the spectators remained present within the vault with the quartet and intensified in acoustic resonance the longer that such spectator remained within the vault. Once a spectator exited the vault's threshold the performers went silent. Upon the reentry of a spectator the performers would resume the vocal arrangement. The performance endured for a period of two hours.