Passage… (Parkside Dunes, Nottingham Green, Grassy Meadows, Lotus Flower, Branch Brook Green, Four Leaf Clover, Once a Upon a Time)

dimensions variable

mixed media

Pasadena, CA



Seven steel arches were crafted and painted in accordance with the multi-tonal sequence of a Benjamin Moore color swatch. Each arch was then installed every four meters across a city zoned drainage aqueduct. The last of the seven arches met the outermost boundary of this publicly zoned terrain and the edge of a privately owned residence. Standing at this final arch also set the stage for a direct view and access into the backyard of the private residence, which featured a hammock sitting atop lush green grass.

Art participants, having been invited for a long communal walk were led by the the succession of arches to the boundary of the private residence. From this position they gradually bunched up to a large group peering into the backyard. Dialog ensued within the group regarding the topic of trespassing. No participant crossed over the small concrete boundary and the enticing hammock went unused.


(click on image to view next 1 - 4)

photo credit: Jake Micheals